깊은 애도와 위로를 전합니다.
12.29 항공 사고로 피해를 입으신 희생자분들과
유가족분들께 깊은 애도의 마음을 표합니다.
고인들의 명복을 빕니다.
12/30 12:00-20:00 정상운영
12/31 12:00-18:00 단축운영
1/1 휴관
1/2 정상운영
We offer our deepest condolences and consolation.
We express our deepest condolences to the victims and
bereaved families who were affected by the 12.29 air accident.
I pray for the repose of the deceased.
Notice of Change in BtheB Operating Schedule
12/30 12:00-20:00 Normal operation
12/31 12:00-18:00 shortened operation
1/1 Closed
1/2 Normal operation